"I want to fire my employees!" As a business coach, I hear this a lot. As early as now, I’m telling you, there is hope. It doesn't have to be this hard. For most of us, when we started our business, we wore a lot of hats as we manage our day to day-to-day operations. We did sales, provided our service, did the bookkeeping, and if we had the time, we engaged in business planning. We quickly realized that there just wasn't enough time in the day to get everything that needed to get done to grow the business. Some days it felt like we were just spinning our wheels going nowhere. We started to fall behind and now we had to deal with unhappy customers. These are the customers that we worked so hard to get. So then, we did it. We hired our first employee to get to the things we could not get to during the day. At first, it looked like things were starting to get better, so we hired another employee, and then one after the other, to do the stuff that we couldn't ...
Learn How to Run Your Business Like A Well-Oiled Machine So You Can Go On Vacation While It Keeps Working Without You