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Stop Closing Sales and Start Building Relationships

Stop Selling!... Build relationships! What makes a sales call a success or a failure? Are there really secrets to sales success? With today's economy, relationships count more than ever. Only the truly professional salespeople will survive in an unpredictable economy. If you look at your industry, there are probably enough people still wanting to buy your product or service to keep you busy all year long. Your challenge is, how do you increase your market share or "unfair share"? Sales are tougher to generate in a bad economy than in a good one. Nevertheless, why does it seem that some salespeople seem to do well in all types of environments? When the economy is good, it's relatively easy for even bad salespeople to make a living. In a good economy, often, salespeople make sales by just contacting a high volume of prospects without developing any relationships. There is so much "low-hanging fruit" out there that just about anyone can make a sale. So what is...

When Is Your Business Graduation Day?

When we look back at our life growing up, it's filled with a lot of memories. The first day we went to Kindergarten and then Elementary School, the first day we went to High School, the first day we went to College or a Trade School, the first day we got our first job. But what is more important...those first days or our last days? Those last days are our milestones. Those were days we had celebrations and parties. The day we graduated Kindergarten, Middle School, High School, College, Graduate Schools. Those graduation days were milestones in our lives that we looked forward to, that we worked towards. Graduation is not an end of a journey but the beginning of a new one. But then something happened... Once our schooling and education ended, it seemed that our graduation days ended as well. I would like to suggest that it doesn't have to be that way. What if we could just insert new graduation days into our lives like when do you want to graduate from your business? I posed ...

Does Your Business Have A Soul?

  So does your business have a soul? It might sound like a really strange question, but I believe really that every business has a soul and really more specifically, every business should have a soul. For good or for worse, I believe each of us has a soul that really makes us unique. He makes us who we are. Because, you know, if we were all the same life would be pretty boring and get pretty boring very quickly. When I'm talking about uniqueness here, I'm not referring to your company's USP, your unique selling proposition. This uniqueness goes really much deeper. It's really to the core of your company's values and its culture. Your team is the key to creating a more valuable business. See, you don’t grow your business, your team does. Really selecting team members that really have very similar values and that are aligned to your values is really the key. That's the thing that really makes a difference. If you think about it, about all the people that you had t...

5 Steps to Delegate to Scale Up Your Business

Have you ever tried to delegate something in your business, only to have it not go as planned and you're left wondering what caused the breakdown? You thought your instructions were clear and now you're left scratching your head trying to figure out why the results aren't what you expected. You see, when trying to create an automatic business there are actually 9 steps to follow. When we skip steps... that's when problems pop up. Most people start with the 8th step which is creating your How to List and think that's proper systematization and delegation.   Being able to delegate those lower-level tasks off your plate so you can work on higher-level activities will allow you to scale your business and not get stuck is only part of the process.  To delegate properly there are actually 5 steps. It's more than likely that you skipped one of the critical steps to delegation and this is leading to more chaos instead of harmony in your business.  Let's assume you h...

Circle of Success

  I'd like to share with you the Circle of Success for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners because you see, at the top of the circle in the diagram is YOU - the business owner, the business leader. You know, when we got into the business we were so excited. We started building up our business and we were selling and we were talking to more people and we were just doing and we were doing and we were doing and doing it… And we just got exhausted, we ran out of time. So what do we have to do? We have to go back and restart hiring employees to pick up the slack and to cover all the things that we just couldn't get to. We were just spending all of our time now in the business. We were dealing with our customers. We are trying to work with our team. We were trying to get them to do things right the first time, trying to get them to be problem solvers without having  to come and ask us about every little thing. What was really happening in our business is one really simple word to desc...

Leverage is the Key to Growth

  I'd like to talk to you about the 3rd step in the ActionCOACH 6-Step Process of Creating a Commercial & Profitable Enterprise that can work without you. You see the third step is Leverage. This is where it really gets exciting in your business where most small & medium-sized business owners and entrepreneurs work way too hard and it takes away from their time to enjoy life. If I told you that the secret to success is “ you just have to work harder ,” What would you say to me? " Are you kidding? I'm working my butt off right now. I don't have time to do anything else. I don't have time for a coaching program. I'm way too busy." Really? Most people don't understand how they can increase their volume and level of activity and still survive or just be awake during the day because they're working way too many hours into the night. This is where the ActionCOACH third step of Leverage comes in. In the first step of how leverage is applied is ...

The Most Important Question in Marketing

   I want to share with you a little question, the answer to it... is critical to your marketing success. What is the one question that you have to get right in order to have success in your marketing? It's a very simple & short question. It's just, " So what "? Or another way of phrasing that is... Who Cares? And so who's asking this question? Well, it's anyone that's receiving your marketing. They're going to be asking themselves that question of So What, even if it is just in a subconscious way. If what you have to say resonates, they'll keep reading, and they'll keep engaging, if it doesn't they are off to something else. A while back, I did an ad critique for an IT company that wanted me to review their brochure. They thought it was It was beautiful, but it was actually a crappy brochure. It did look nice, but it was all about speeds, servers, motherboards, memory, and all sorts of technical stuff. Stuff that he thought was re...