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3 Tips To Be More Productive

Someone once told me that to be successful you need to do the most productive thing possible at any given moment.   The only problem with that statement is most people don't know where or what their most productive tasks are.   I guess you could maybe just create lists of what you need to get done, and then prioritize that list.   The only problem with that strategy is when I used it, my list would seem to grow throughout the day.  I would have more on my to-do list at the end of the day than I did when I started. And that doesn't give you a feeling of being productive, does it? Just working off a list, doesn't make you more productive.   Here are three tips to help you to be more productive in your day so you can reach your goals faster.   1. Start with setting motivating goals. Without goals, there is no way to determine what is productive and what isn't. You can't determine what tasks will lead you to what you desire and what tasks are just wasting your...

Are You a Super Achiever?

Are you a super achiever or just average. The difference between them is a fine line that some of us find it hard to cross over on our own. Darren Hardy says that there are 10 x-factors super achievers have that make the difference: 1. Relentless Drive - Never satisfied. Urban Meyer sums it up with his +2 attitude. 2. Supersize thinking - Don't think small. Set goals so big you have to force yourself to grow into them 3. They find their Massive Leverage . They know that their super power is the one thing of value that they bring that no one else can and that will leverage their success by making them stand out 4. They have MANIACAL FOCUS . They know how to say no to things that will distract them from their mission. 5 Unrelenting Resilience - They "F" up a lot. They fail up. They know that each failure is an opportunity to learn, grow and get closer to their goal. 6. They have an Obsessive and Constant Pursuit of Better - The Japanese have a concept for this ...

5 Keys to Get Your Business Working without You

Business ownership is one of the American Dreams; being able to be in control of your own destiny and have the freedom to choose what you want to do and when. But for many entrepreneurs, that dream has escaped them. They have fallen into the business trap. The dream of freedom has fallen into the daily challenges and frustrations that struggling entrepreneurs face every day. No Cash – You may be selling, but there’s never enough cash to pay the bills at the end of the month. There no cash left over to invest in new technologies or to upgrade equipment or put into your pocket. No Time – You’re not running your business, it is running you. You are spending most of your day solving problems and putting out fires. Instead, you should be planning your company’s next big venture, or just have time to do things you want and spend it with the people you love. No Team – Instead of having a team of professionals that are working together toward a common goal, you have ...

Engagement is the Way to Win in Business

Small and medium-sized businesses are the life-blood of our economy, but they face specific, ever-increasing challenges. The world is in the midst of an employee engagement crisis, with serious and potentially lasting repercussions for the global economy. Without a doubt, one of the greatest challenges SME’s currently face is the attraction and retention of talent. Intelligent, honest, hardworking staff are critical to an organization’s ongoing success, but now more than ever, good people are hard to find – and they are even harder to hold on to! To ensure employee job fulfillment, loyalty and maximum ROI, the key ingredient that is so often missing is Engagement. In a recent Gallup poll, it was revealed that only 13% of the world’s employees are engaged at work, and most disengaged employees would change employers right now for as little as a 5% pay increase.